Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Boring Days

I kinda like boring days, I find them to be quite enjoyable.  Days where nothing exciting happens, no tantrums, no fighting, just beautiful glorious hot summer days.  The girls are all doing so well, Brianna and Jillian are enjoying camp tomorrow is the big birthday celebration at camp.  They celebrate the rec camps 48th year and everyone in the camps unbirthday.  They get to bring in a treat to share so I got them candy, ya know since they cant bring it into school might as well be able to live it up during the summer.  Kyleigh is still enjoying school I am contemplating dance for her in September, I know I must be nuts 3 kids in dance I will probably have to set up camp there but I love watching them all dance!  Me I am doing just fine, feeling like a human again, exercising is going well up to 4 miles a day walking up some big ass hills.  I am feeling good and know as long as I keep it up and eat healthy and smart I will be where I want to be one of these days.  Off to bed for me I am one tired Momma!

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