AMAZING, that is the only word that comes to mind when I think of my baby Blow Fish, truly AMAZING. All weekend when I asked her about school she would reply in her loudest and whiny voice "SCHOOOOOOOLLLL" I thought for sure this morning was going to be a nightmare. I decided I would not mention a word about school or the ssssshhhh dreaded bus. Well it must have worked to my advantage because the bus came, I grabbed her hand, told her come on Kyleigh it is time to go and off we went. She walked down the steps holding my hand, got to the bottom, and made a RUN for the bus saying "hi hi hi hi hi" all the way there to the ladies that work on the bus. This is the girl who will not leave the front porch on her own except to go get in the car. This is the girl who cried the first 3 days of school and on day number 4 after 3 days off of school RUNS for the bus. Are you baffled? I know I am but I am also just so darn proud of her.
I know it sounds crazy but I swear she is saying more and also speaking more clearly after just 3 days of school. I knew she would do well once she got accustomed to school but I was not expecting to see changes so soon. I keep praying that the teachers are seeing all of this and how truly smart she is (This is not just her Mom talking here, she is scary smart, like genius smart no clue where the heck it comes from). I am still holding out for putting her in a class with less severely disabled kids. I know and understand their reasoning, they don't want her to be an outcast with her peers, blah blah blah, she is 3 they all have delays of some sort what kind of outcast can she be? They don't seem to care about that when it comes to her older sister so why does it matter so much to a 3 year old who is totally clueless in this department. Well anyway I am off to get my booty on the treadmill, I cant believe I stayed on a diet all week with all this stress, go me!
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